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New Mexico is #1 in Emerge Alumnae per capita !!
We currently have 125 Emerge alumnae with written contracts to promote their own unified mission, vision, and goals for their own alumnae over the representation of their voter base. 
Not caring to listen to the concerns and wants of their voters, NOT the US Constitution!

Tipping Point Episode 615 A Look at Emerge New Mexico with Leanna Derrick 06.13.2024

On this week’s Tipping Point interview Paul talks to independent researcher Leanna Derrick. Derrick has been working to uncover and highlight the outsized influence of “progressive” group Emerge New Mexico which recruits, trains, and funds left wing women in public office throughout New Mexico. They discuss the “Emerge” group which operates in two dozen states. Who funds them? What do they do and what has been happening here in New Mexico with Emerge-recruited and backed candidates? Check out this important conversation.
Leanna Derrick can be reached by email at: [email protected]

Listen and Search Episode #615 with A.I. Assistance

EMERGE of New Mexico - DETAILED PDF Downloads -- PLANS to control through mandates, suppress individual rights, and repress your freedoms.

Emerge America maintains an advisory board with a number of prominent Democratic Party officials and liberal activists. 

Members of the advisory board include: 

Heather Booth, a far-left political strategist, former student of Saul Alinsky, onetime member of the radical-left group Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and executive director of Americans for Financial Reform

Cecile Richards, a social-liberal activist and former president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America from 2006 through 2018

Gun control activist Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action Against Gun Violence

Liz Shuler Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO labor union federation

Joan Blades, the co-founder of MoveOn Civic Action (MoveOn.org) and MomsRising

Celinda Lake, president of Lake Research Partners

Feminist writer Gloria Steinem

LaToia Jones of the company Hustle, a peer to peer texting platform that caters to left-wing organizations providing technical support to contact volunteer agitators for Rapid Resist Action

Wendy Davis, a Texas Democratic politician

Quinn Delaney, the founder and President of Akonadi Foundation, the most significant single contributor to EA from 2014-2018

Louise Gund, a moderately well-known Democratic activist and philanthropist. 

Advisory board members notable for their connections to Hillary Clinton include:

Susie Tompkins Buell, president of the Susie Tompkins Buell Foundation, liberal political donor, and close friend of Hillary Clinton

Donna Brazile, the former Chair of the Democratic National Committee

Barbara Lee of the Barbara Lee Family Foundation

Ann Lewis, President of No-Limits.org

Emmy Ruiz, a former strategist and consultant for Clinton’s advocacy group Onward Together. 

Former advisory board member Margery Tabankin is a radical-left activist and philanthropic consultant notable for being the first female student of Saul Alinsky’s School of Community Organizing in Chicago.

Emerge America’s ten largest funders from 2012-2018 are:

The left-leaning racial equality and illegal immigration advocacy organizations:

Akonadi Foundation, which gave $915,000

The at-risk youth non-profit organization Laurel Foundation contributed $375,205

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, a member of the AFL-CIO labor federation, donated $329,920

Progressive Women of Silicon Valley gave $287,500

Florida-based addiction prevention organization Hanley Foundation gave $162,350

Tao Capital Partners, a private technology investment firm, contributed $139,500

Hillary Clinton’s Onward Together advocacy group contributed $100,000

America’s largest labor union, the National Education Association (NEA), granted EA $85,752

America’s most significant, controversial, and politically involved labor union the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) contributed $66,750

The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) labor union donated $56,250

A Band of Wives $2,500 2018
Advance America Cash Advance Centers $5,000 2012
AFL-CIO $10,000 2012
AFSCME $46,600 2012, 2014, 2016
Akonadi Foundation $915,000 2012, 2014,2016, 2018
Burton Snowboards $60,700 2014, 2016, 2018
California Nurses Association $2,500 2012
Carsey Living Trust $25,000 2012
Charge Across Town $2,500 2012
Chronicle Books LLC $4,500 2012
Cobiz Wealth $10,500 2012
Composer Artist $16,500 2018
Dalai Lama Fellows $25,250 2018
Emerge America $10,280 2016
Emerge Oregon $11,346 2016
Emerson Collective $70,000 2014, 2016
Facebook Inc $15,750 2018
Hanley Foundation $162,350 2012, 2014,2016, 2018
Heising-Simons Foundation HSAF $25,000 2018
HigCapital $15,000 2018
Human Rights Watch $14,500 2012, 2014
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $329,920 2014, 2016, 2018
Intuit Inc$ 13,500 2016
Kazan, McClain et al $5,000 2012
Kleiner, Perkins et al $5,000 2012
Laurel Foundation $375,205 2016, 2018
LEAD STAR $6,000 2014
Lennar Urban $5,000 2012
Lerner et Cie$ 15,000 2012, 2014
Lief Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein $13,500 2012, 2016
Lieff, Cabraser et all $10,300 2016
MacKenzie Capital Management LP $15,000 2018
Moriah Fund $10,000 2012, 2014
National Education Association $85,752 2014, 2016
NextGen Climate Action $45,000 2016
NGP VAN $23,000 2018
nonprofit board member $15,000 2018
Onward Together $100,000 2018
Palo Alto High School $65,403 2014, 2016, 2018
Perkins Investment Management LLC $30,000 2018
Pivot Group $2,500 2012
Planned Parenthood Action Fund $5,250 2014
Profit Solutions Association $5,000 2012
Progressive Women Silicon Valley $28,7500 2018
Promontory Financial Group $6,750 2014
Recology $2,500 2012
Seattle First Asset Management $100,000 2018
SEIU $66,750 2012, 2014
Spot-On $2,500 2012
State of Vermont $11,085 2014
Susie Tompkins Buell Foundation $20,000 2012, 2016
Tao Capital Partners $139,500 2012, 2014, 2016
Teamsters Union $7,500 2014
Terris Barnes Walters $2,500 2012
Top Ten Toys $26,000 2018
United Food & Commercial Workers Union $106,250 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018
Woman Vision $20,000 2018
Women's Donor Network $10,000 2014
Zenefits $15,000 2018

